Mastodon Online Nachhilfe Arabic, English 60001 Chennai, M.A. in Arabic Litrature, Arabic : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Arabic

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Suche: Arabic   (1 Ergebnis)   


Nachhilfe Arabic 1 to 10+2 till higher studies upto Masters Degree in Arabic Litrature

ID 19383
60001 Chennai
Arabic, English
M.A. in Arabic Litrature
1 to 10+2 till higher studies upto Masters Degree in Arabic Litrature
IT IS well worth learning the Arabic script, even for a relatively short period of travel in the Middle East. At the very least, you will be able to recognise place names, destination signs on buses, and so on. PEOPLE learn Arabic for a variety of reasons: for work, for travel, for religious purposes, because of marriage or friendship with an Arab, or simply as a hobby. The motivation to some extent determines the most appropriate learning method. Whatever your motive, we suggest you try to learn a little Arabic at home before committing yourself to more serious (and possibly expensive) study of it. At the very least, this will give you an idea of what’s involved and give you extra confidence during the early stages of any course you may take later. The first thing to decide is whether you want to learn standard/classical Arabic or a colloquial dialect. Unless your interest is confined to one particular country, the safest option is to learn a version of the classical language known as Modern Standard Arabic. This is what is used in books, newspapers, radio and television news programmes, political speeches, etc. Using standard Arabic in everyday conversation sounds a bit formal to Arab ears, but at least you can be sure of being understood by educated Arabs anywhere in the Middle East. It may be more difficult to understand what they say to you, unless they make the effort to speak more formally than usual. Having learnt some standard Arabic, however, it is relatively easy to adapt to a local dialect later. Contact Mr. *T* *m*
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