Mastodon Online Nachhilfe English, French, German, Dutch, grammar, conversation, reading, listening, speaking, writing, IELTS, 5000 Iloilo, Linguist, taught and ran my own language school in Taiwan, experience with Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Grammar : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Grammar

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):
Suche: Grammar   (1 Ergebnis)   


Nachhilfe Grammar Beginner, advanced,

ID 20393
5000 Iloilo
English, French, German, Dutch, grammar, conversation, reading, listening, speaking, writing, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL
Linguist, taught and ran my own language school in Taiwan, experience with Chinese, Korean, Japanese. Experience teaching IELTS, TOEIC for Filipino Overseas workers.
Beginner, advanced,
Nachhilfe Profilbild
He is experienced in teaching ESL to Koreans and Chinese. Working for a variety of schools in Taiwan, Erik has worked with a wide range of students. From beginners to advanced and youngsters to adults, he has been passionate about teaching his students more than just English as a language, but also has shared information on travelling and the culture and customs that can be encountered. He managed and taught at Erik’s Language Land in Taiwan for 7 years. He specializes in teaching English Language Acquisition using the culture immersion approach. Having been a member of the ETA-ROC (English Teachers’ Association Republic of China) he is well adept in managing classes and English programs of Study to adapt to student’s curricular needs. He is a dedicated teachers’ trainer. He is also a regular speaker for Macmillan publishers in Asia. He is currently in Iloilo, Philippines, where he is available for teaching, training teachers, speeches, etc... Willing to relocate
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe in 5000 Iloilo, Philippines:

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