Mastodon Nachhilfe biology, chemistry, maths, biotechnology, molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, biochemistr 85 Bangalore, schooling in CBSE board, in biotechnology,masters in life science and internship in university, Bangalore : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Bangalore

Suche: Bangalore  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Bangalore

Nachhilfe in biology, chemistry, maths, biotechnology, molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, ge...

ID 37402
aus 85 Bangalore
biology, chemistry, maths, biotechnology, molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, genetic engineering, plant, animal biotechnology, stem cell biolgy, mathematics
schooling in CBSE board, in biotechnology,masters in life science and internship in university of sheffield uk
All levels,from school to colleges,engineering,undergraduate degree
i like teaching students and transfering my knowledge to them,i have worked as a tutor for a training institute in chennai for 1 year and i am experienced in handling students,both individual ad masses,i can handle them and teach them patiently even if they are weak in the subjects,all the subjects which i can teach, mentioned above are coverd in my school and undergraduate grades and i am used to the subjectects very finely,so i will be able to handle them efficiently and effectively,i will use effective teaching aids like ppt,video,simplified notes to make the student understand the subject
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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