Mastodon Nachhilfe English, Romanian 8057 Zurich, Bachelor of Arts in English Philology, 7+years teaching experience, all levels, Zurich Inglês, Inglês Nachhilfe in Zurich : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Inglês Zurich

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 59547 Zurich in Montana | 8751 Zurich in Friesland | 8010 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8012 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8048 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8047 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8064 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8055 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8049 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8045 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8041 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8046 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8003 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8004 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8005 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8037 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8081 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8092 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8093 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8099 Zurich in Kanton Zürich
Suche: Inglês in Zurich  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Zurich

Nachhilfe English, Romanian All levels

ID 41943
aus 8057 Zurich
English, Romanian
Bachelor of Arts in English Philology, 7+years teaching experience, all levels
All levels
I am an energetic and dedicated professional with 7+years of successful teaching experience, all levels, with experience in development, design, and delivery of training within the General English as well as Business English teaching. I am actively involved in helping my students achieve their full language potential. I care enough about my students in order to tailor and adjust objectives according to their learning needs I love being a teacher and I love passing the knowledge and helping others!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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