Mastodon Nachhilfe English Language, English, and literature, Drama, Spanish-, ESL, English 2039 Sydney, MA Theatre and Performance Education BA English Literature and Spanish, Sydney ERP, ERP Nachhilfe in Sydney : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe ERP Sydney

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 33587 Sydney in Florida | 2000 Sydney in New South Wales | 1110 Sydney in New South Wales | 1112 Sydney in New South Wales | 1113 Sydney in New South Wales | 1114 Sydney in New South Wales | 1115 Sydney in New South Wales | 1116 Sydney in New South Wales | 1117 Sydney in New South Wales | 1118 Sydney in New South Wales | 1119 Sydney in New South Wales | 1120 Sydney in New South Wales | 1121 Sydney in New South Wales | 1122 Sydney in New South Wales | 1123 Sydney in New South Wales | 1124 Sydney in New South Wales | 1125 Sydney in New South Wales | 1126 Sydney in New South Wales | 1127 Sydney in New South Wales | 1128 Sydney in New South Wales
Suche: ERP in Sydney  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Sydney

Nachhilfe English Language, English, and literatur... Upto Secondary Education, Equivalent from Key stage 3 upto G.C.SE and A.Le...

ID 9188
aus 2039 Sydney
English Language, English, and literature, Drama, Spanish-, ESL, English
MA Theatre and Performance Education BA English Literature and Spanish
Upto Secondary Education, Equivalent from Key stage 3 upto G.C.SE and A.Level
I am an experienced teacher and tutor, having worked in various countrys, all over the world, learning and experiencing many different styles of teaching- My time teaching ESL and Drama has aided my communication skills in terms of realising a students potential and how best to gain the most out of each unique student. I also work on the ethos that students should enjoy their time studying as this will aid optimum advancement in both their development and understanding. However working as a high school teacher in demanding seconadary schools I have developed how I work with both younger and older students, and the importance of adaptation, and control in order to gain the students trust and respect so that they can fulfill their potential,
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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