Mastodon Nachhilfe mathematics, statistics. sw1v4 London, BSc Mathematical Science, first class Honours. Post Gradiate Certificate in Financial Econometrics. , London : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe London

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 43140 London in Ohio | 25126 London in West Virginia | 40741 London in Kentucky | 40743 London in Kentucky | 40750 London in Kentucky | 40742 London in Kentucky | 40745 London in Kentucky | 40744 London in Kentucky | 72847 London in Arkansas | 76854 London in Texas | W1H London in England | SW1X London in England | EC1A London in England | EC1M London in England | EC1N London in England | EC1R London in England | EC2P London in England | EC3P London in England | EC4A London in England | EC4M London in England
Suche: London  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe London

Nachhilfe in mathematics, statistics.

ID 19394
aus sw1v4 London
mathematics, statistics.
BSc Mathematical Science, first class Honours. Post Gradiate Certificate in Financial Econometrics. PGCE Secondary Mathematics, qualified teacher status.
Mathematics and Statistics up to A'Level
I am a very enthusiastic teacher who is highly experienced and very well qualified. I have taught privatelly at all level, from teaching 7 year olds basic mathematics, to tutoring adults working on Master degrees. I have been a secondary school teacher for 8 years and previously taught at university for 2 years. My emphasis is on building confidence in students. My main strenghts lie in developing strong relationships with tutees and focusing on targets set, using my very strong technical knowledge. Get intouch and we can discuss a plan of action, whatever your needs. Mr JC *T*
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ab ~11 €/h  info
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