Mastodon Nachhilfe English Conversation, Elocution 10473 Bronx, over 10 years experience teaching in Korea, Bronx : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Bronx

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Suche: Bronx  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Bronx

Nachhilfe in English Conversation, Elocution

ID 21669
aus 10473 Bronx
English Conversation, Elocution
over 10 years experience teaching in Korea
Nachhilfe Profilbild
&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*; &#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;4&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; TONY (&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; 6&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; 4&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;4Program&#*;&#*; 2&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;4&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;) - 10 &#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; Improve your English skills &#*;4 &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;. the art of free conversation &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; (pronunciation and grammar &#*;&#*; & &#*;&#*;). critical thinking &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; listening comprehension &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;. reading comprehension 3&#*;&#*;&#*; analytical thinking &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;. writing composition/editing &#*;&#*;/&#*;&#*; Decipher Idioms! Decode cultural euphemisms! Understand current events! &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;! &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;4&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;! &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;! Overcome shyness, build confidence, and increase understanding! &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;, &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;, &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;! &#*;4&#*;, &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;, &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;! Speak Easily, Naturally, Freely in English! I love Korea! My intense curiosity and love of adventure led me to live there for over six years (including studying Korean at Seoul National University for two years). My passion has been traveling and learning about other peoples, cultures, languages, foods, customs and beliefs around the world. I always hope to learn from my students while they learn from me! &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;! &#*;&#*;&#*; 6&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*; &#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; (2 &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;4 &#*;&#*;). &#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;, &#*;&#*;, 84, &#*;&#*;, &#*;&#*; &#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;. &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*; &#*;&#*; &#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*; &#*;&#*; &#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;&#*;!
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