Mastodon Nachhilfe German, maths, chemistry, physics 6065 Madeley Perth WA, This year I finished high school in Germany with very good results. My final score in my A-levels is, Madeley Perth WA Physics, Physics Nachhilfe in Madeley Perth WA : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Physics Madeley Perth WA

Suche: Physics in Madeley Perth WA  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Madeley Perth WA

Nachhilfe Physics Year 1 to 9

ID 112720
aus 6065 Madeley Perth WA
German, maths, chemistry, physics
This year I finished high school in Germany with very good results. My final score in my A-levels is a 1.4, which corresponds to an australian A-.
Year 1 to 9
As I'm really good at maths and science, I would love to teach children understanding and learning to love the world of Physics, maths and/or chemistry! My mother tongue is German, why I would be perfect for tutoring in German as well! I don't have a problem tutoring really young children, so in case you already want some tutoring for your little offspring who is still going to kindy, pre-primary or to primary school, that's absolutely no problem for me. I'm living here as an au pair looking after two little children who are aged four and seven, so I'm definitely used to work with younger children. But as I am very adaptable, I'm also very happy to teach students up to 15 years old, for maths and especially for German also even older students (because I'm quite confident with maths and naturally also with German as it is my mother tongue). I'm available every tuesday, wednesday and sunday for the whole day and in the evenings after 7.30. On request, I could also do some tutoring on saturdays. I've given a german 17-year old girl extra lessons in chemistry for two years and a little italian girl who is six years old German lessons for around one year. Additionally, I helped ten to thirteen year old kids with doing their homework as I've been a supervisor at the homework done unter supervision at my old school for three and a half years. And I would be so happy if I could continue this list and gain more experience with tutoring, especially because I really enjoy teaching these subjects. I've already worked for around 2 years as a tutor.
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