Mastodon Nachhilfe Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computing, English, plus more G41 Glasgow, 1st Class Distinction in BEng Electronics and Software Engineering from University of Glasgow Micro, Glasgow Maths, Maths Nachhilfe in Glasgow : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Maths Glasgow

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 25086 Glasgow in West Virginia | 42142 Glasgow in Kentucky | 42141 Glasgow in Kentucky | 24555 Glasgow in Virginia | 16644 Glasgow in Pennsylvania | 65254 Glasgow in Missouri | 59230 Glasgow in Montana | G52 Glasgow in Scotland | G13 Glasgow in Scotland | G12 Glasgow in Scotland | G41 Glasgow in Scotland | G23 Glasgow in Scotland | G44 Glasgow in Scotland | G42 Glasgow in Scotland | G1 Glasgow in Scotland | G2 Glasgow in Scotland | G22 Glasgow in Scotland | G3 Glasgow in Scotland | G4 Glasgow in Scotland | G5 Glasgow in Scotland
Suche: Maths in Glasgow  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Glasgow

Nachhilfe Maths From Primary 5 till University !

ID 17549
aus G41 Glasgow
Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computing, English, plus more
1st Class Distinction in BEng Electronics and Software Engineering from University of Glasgow Microsoft Certified Professional Desktop Support Registered with G.T.C.P Educational Charity as Senior Tutor
From Primary 5 till University !
Professional Private Tutor Registered with G.T.C.P. Over 10 Years of tuitioning experience, taught over 300 students. Over 15 SQA subjects covered (level from p5 to Highers) SQA, Standard Grades, Foundation, General and Credit Level, Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2 and Higher Level. Specialist in Maths/English/Physics/Chemistry and Computing. Also SATS 11 Preparation, including Private school Entrance Exams! Other selective subjects also covered upto certain levels e.g Biology, French, Latin, Greek, Geography, Modern Studies and History! Selective College/University Maths and Computing related modules/areas covered also! Summer tuition/help for re-sits and for Secondary students wanting to be 'Top of Class' and/or excel in their school year's grades! If interested and/or for more information do not hesitate to contact me.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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