Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche English literature, General Paper, TOEFL 82013 Singapore, Postgraduate in New York, : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in English literature, General Paper, TOEFL

ID 26536
82013 Singapore
English literature, General Paper, TOEFL
Postgraduate in New York
Upper Secondary - University
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I am a postgraduate in New York and have taught in Manhattan Community College and Queens University for college writing and literature since 2006. Before coming to NY, I taught for 2 months in RI. Since I\'ve finished all my courses in NY, and only need to pass two self-study exams to get a PhD, I tught I\'d return to Singapore. In order to have time to study, I don\'t think I\'ll get a full time job. I\'ve been supporting myself through work and sclarship and don\'t intend to depend on my parents now. For individual tuition for secondary scol and JC students, my rate is $50 per ur, each weekly session lasting for 2 urs. Group tuition: $700 for two students, $900 for three students and $1000 for four students. No more than four students in each class. Fees are collected before the class each month but if the student decides to drop the class, I\'ll refund the money. For university students, it will be $65 an ur. I am still in New York so the best way to contact me is through emai... *err*
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