Mastodon Nachhilfe 6JX Chemistry, Chemistry Nachhilfe in 6JX : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Chemistry 6JX

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):
Suche: Chemistry in 6JX  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Chemistry Key Stages 1-6, GCE / GCSE O & A Levels

1) ID 10882
aus N15 6JX
Mathematics, English, ICT, Computing, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry, Communication, Skills.
GCE A Levels ( 5 Passes ) GCE O Levels ( 10 Passes )
Key Stages 1-6, GCE / GCSE O & A Levels
My experience in Mathematics and Computing, the two subjects being very closely interconnected, spans over a great many years. Even though i am currently studying as an Undergraduate Student for a reputed university locally in London, i have under my belt, over 5 years of experience in teaching as well as industry, giving me a very broad understanding and approach to application of Mathematics in Computing and vice versa. Alongisde Mathematics, I have also taught English extensively on a private scale, to students from various backgrounds, ranging from Key Stage 3 students to University students at Roehampton, Middlesex and the LSE. I find myself exceptional in mathematics at GCE/GCSE O Level, having achieved a passing score of over 95% in my own examinations. I feel that having knowledge of the necessary techniques for study and successful implementation of mathematical concepts, i am capable of imparting to my students, a sound practical knowledge of Mathematics, as well as skills in communication, english and computing. Professional and Academic references are available, and specific reference from tutees or their parents are available upon request.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Chemistry Key Stages 1-6, GCE / GCSE O & A Levels

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Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Chemistry
2) ID 10882
Mathematics, English, ICT, Computing, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry, Communication, Skills.
GCE A Levels ( 5 Passes ) GCE O Levels ( 10 Passes )
Key Stages 1-6, GCE / GCSE O & A Levels
My experience in Mathematics and Computing, the two subjects being very closely interconnected, spans over a great many years. Even though i am currently studying as an Undergraduate Student for a reputed university locally in London, i have under my belt, over 5 years of experience in teaching as well as industry, giving me a very broad understanding and approach to application of Mathematics in Computing and vice versa. Alongisde Mathematics, I have also taught English extensively on a private scale, to students from various backgrounds, ranging from Key Stage 3 students to University students at Roehampton, Middlesex and the LSE. I find myself exceptional in mathematics at GCE/GCSE O Level, having achieved a passing score of over 95% in my own examinations. I feel that having knowledge of the necessary techniques for study and successful implementation of mathematical concepts, i am capable of imparting to my students, a sound practical knowledge of Mathematics, as well as skills in communication, english and computing. Professional and Academic references are available, and specific reference from tutees or their parents are available upon request.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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